Ruth Gledhill
Furious Donald Trump Launches Twitter Tirade After Judge Throws Out Bid To Restore Travel Ban
US President Donald Trump has responded with a furious Twitter tirade after a US appeal court has denied the emergency appeal from the US Department of Justice to restore his 90-day travel ban on travellers from seven Muslim countries and on refugees.
Lord Carey Condemns 'Staggering' Hostility To US President, Praises Trump's Support For Christians
The "staggering overreaction" by his critics to US President Donald Trump has made a sensible discussion of his policies all but impossible, according former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey of Clifton
US Judge Overturns Donald Trump's Controversial Travel Ban
Donald Trump has hit back at the judge in Seattle has succeeded in suspending the ban. He tweeted: 'The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!'
Bishop Blames Violent And Punitive Theology For Alleged Abuse By Man Who Ran Christian Summer Camps
A senior Church of England bishop has stated that people who attended John Smyth's summer camps would have known each other and talked about it. The Archbishop of Canterbury, a dormitory officer at the camps in the late 1970s, has insisted he was not part of the inner circle of friends and no-one discussed any allegations of abuse with him.
Why Donald Trump Is Right â And Brave â To Get Rid Of The Johnson Amendment
It seems incredible that in a country such as the United States, that has made freedom of speech a cornerstone of its constitution, clergy are inhibited in what they can say about politics from the pulpit.
Fancy Applying To Be The Next Bishop Of London? Here Are 50 Tips To Help You Decide
"If you can't face learning the names of all your clergy, you can simply call them 'Father'. The women too. Go on, we dare you."
'Delightful' Friend Of Archbishop Of Canterbury Faced Charge Of Killing Zimbabwe Teen
A Christian youth camp leader described by the Archbishop of Canterbury as "charming and delightful" has faced police charges of killing a teenager in Zimbabwe, Channel 4 News reveals this evening
Has The Episcopal Church Been Penalised For Its Support Of Gay Marriage â Or Not?
When is a vote on doctrine not a vote on doctrine? Disagreement on gay marriage continues to divide the Anglican Communion.
Divisions Deepen In Catholic Church Over Communion For Remarried Couples
A senior Catholic cardinal has set himself at odds with bishops in his home country of Germany by speaking out against allowing divorced and remarried people to receive Holy Communion.
Norway's Lutheran Church Approves Service For Gay Marriage
Gay couples can marry in church in Norway after a liturgy for same-sex marriages was approved.
Catholics In Malta Condemn 'Abominable' Document On Marriage And Divorce
The Catholic faithful, from a conservative organisation Veri Catholici, have spoken out after their bishops appeared to sanction granting the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion to divorced and remarried Catholics.
Holocaust Memorial Museum Speaks Out On Lessons Of History After Donald Trump Fails To Mention Jews
An accurate understanding of the Holocaust and the systematic slaughter of six million Jewish people is "critical" if the lessons of the past are to be learned, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum has stated.