Ruth Gledhill
Let's pray for some miracles! Leader of flashmob prayer event for Gaza, Iraq and Israel
Flashmob prayer event planned in London tomorrow.
Number of young people self-harming is on the rise
New NHS figures released today show 70 per cent increase in self-harming among the very young.
Gaza's tiny Christian community under siege
New survey released today shows there are 1313 Christians living in Gaza.
British Jews 'frightened and insecure' following increase in antisemitic attacks
Rise in attacks linked to Israel/Hamas conflict.
Nigerian pastor: 'Boko Haram are political thugs'
A Nigerian church pastor claims the militant Islamist group are exploiting religion to destroy Christianity
'They would not convert and it cost them their life'. Family of eight Iraqi Christians shot in the face
Bishops and Vicar of Baghdad Andrew White call on UK Government to grant asylum to Iraqi Christians.
Bishop of Gloucester questioned by police over assault allegations
Rt Rev Michael Perham 'stepped back from ministry' as Bishop of Gloucester last week.
Former 'ex-gay' leaders publish open letter saying conversion therapy is damaging
Former leaders of 'ex-gay' ministries say conversion therapy causes 'terrible' emotional and spiritual damage.
Uganda strikes out controversial anti-gay law
The law which led to a sharp rise in persecution of homosexuals has been struck out as 'null and void'.
Christian ethicists concerned over 'three parent baby' IVF plan
New IVF technique 'mitochondrial replacement therapy' raises questions over genetic modification of embryos.
Government minister praises Muslim 'cultural shift towards equality'
Simon Hughes, the Minister of State for Justice and Civil Liberties, says men and women should worship together in mosques.
HSBC shuts down bank accounts of London mosque and other Muslim organisations
HSBC is shutting down the bank accounts of Finsbury Park Mosque in north London and also those of some other Muslim organisations in the UK.