Ruth Gledhill
Marks & Spencer backs down on ban of 'Jesus' and 'Christ'
Marks & Spencer have dropped their ban on words such as "Christ" and "Jesus" when customers order flowers online.
There's no afterlife, says man who 'died' twice
"It was all just black", according to a Swedish atheist who experienced clinical death twice in one year.
'Jesus Christ' banned when ordering from Marks and Spencer... but 'Jihad' is ok
Customers ordering flowers online from Marks & Spencer can use words such as "jihad", Buddha and Allah in messages.
100,000 children affected by benefit sanctions - how Britain is still going hungry
About 100,000 children were affected by benefit sanctions last year, according to a new report which says people are still going hungry in modern Britain.
Saudi Blogger Raif Badawi could face death sentence
The Saudi blogger Raif Badawi who was sentenced to 1,000 lashes over accusations he insulted Islam could now be put on trial for apostasy resulting in a death sentence.
Church of England: Are vicars paid enough?
Clergy wife Anne Atkins has described how she and her vicar husband "struggled" to raise four children on his annual stipend of £20,000.
Applications to 'spend a year in God's time' at Lambeth Palace open today
Applications opened today for young men and women to become a monk or nun for a year at Lambeth Palace, the London home of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Richard Dawkins: Children with religious parents must be protected from 'indoctrination'
Prominent atheist Richard Dawkins has said children are being saddled with "religious labels" in a way they never would be with political or other opinions.
Pew Research: One in four countries hostile to religious faith
One in four countries is hostile to people of religious faith with violent attacks including vandalism, desecration of sacred texts and violent assaults sometimes leading to death.
Dean of St Paul's David Ison calls on CofE to consider gay marriage
The Dean of St Paul's has called for the Church of England to consider what accepting same-sex marriage would mean for the future.
Eric Pickles: 'Proper understanding' of religious faith needed to combat bigotry
A "proper understanding" of religious faith is the best way to stand up to bigotry in all its forms, according to Communities Secretary Eric Pickles.
Muslim leaders boycott Jewish event after Muslims blamed for 'all' violent crime
Muslim leaders boycotted a Jewish community event in France after the head of the oranisation behind the event said Muslims were responsible for 'all' violent crime in France.