Ruth Gledhill
Church of England's £100m recruitment plan faces criticism
The Church Commissioners have been accused of raiding church assets and adopting a "back-of-the-fag-packet" solution to church decline.
Bishop excommunicated for a second time over illict consecration
An English traditionalist bishop has incurred an unprecedented second excommunication by the Roman Catholic Church after consecrating a bishop without permission from the Pope.
YouTube adverts commercialising childhood - Mothers' Union
Children are being constantly bombarded by advertising and promotion of electronics, games consoles, tablets, phones, clothes and designer wear, a new report warns.
Michael Nazir-Ali: Christians in Pakistan are 'sitting ducks' for terrorist attacks
The former Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, has called on the Pakistani government to send in the army to root out terrorists and said the United Nations must address the plight of persecuted Christians.
Trainee vicars to get science lessons to help them understand the modern world
The Church of England is launching a £700,000 project to improve its relationship with the world of science.
No more Muslim prayer services in churches, says bishop
A bishop has investigated the Muslim prayer service that took place in a Church of England building in London and said that no such service will take place again.
Pakistani Archbishop: Prime Minister has failed to protect Christians
The leader of Pakistan's Catholics has accused the government of failing to act on new security measures designed to protect places of worship.
How a kidnapped Syrian archbishop described faith in pre-war Syria
The Syriac Orthodox Archbishop of Aleppo, who was kidnapped in 2013, described the 'religious coexistence' in Syria in an extract from his 2006 book.
Pope Francis: I don't think I'll be Pope for long
The Pope is expecting his pontificate to be brief, perhaps just four or five years, he has revealed.
The Queen's high moral authority is because she knows when to be silent - YouGov President
The Queen's high moral authority is down largely to her ability to remain "silent", according to a leading pollster.
Mothers' Union calls for prayers for election candidates' families
The Mothers' Union is calling on its thousands of members up and down the country to pray that the families of election candidates "will not be affected by criticism or physical threats".
Leading liberal vicar defends right to hold Muslim prayer services
A leading liberal clergyman in London has defended his right to offer services of thanksgiving after gay weddings and to hold a full Muslim prayer service in his church.