'Bookkeeper of Auschwitz' found guilty by German court
Oskar Groening, 94, has been sentenced to four years in prison for his role in the murder of 300,000 people.
Greek parliament approves Euro bailout deal as Syriza party fragments
The Greek parliament has passed sweeping austerity measures demanded by lenders.
Iran nuclear deal: Is it statecraft or surrender?
The nuclear deal agreed with Iran could transform the Middle East.
Greece deal just won't work, says International Monetary Fund in damning report
The IMF study says the deal won't enable Greece to trade its way out of debt.
'Jesus was a migrant too': Hungarian demonstrators protest border fence
A thousand people demonstrated in the centre of Budapest against a 100-mile fence to keep out migrants.
Iranian diplomats say a nuclear deal has been agreed after marathon talks
"All the hard work has paid off and we sealed a deal. God bless our people," a diplomat said.
Eric Garner settlement: New York City to pay $5.9 million to family of man choked by police
Garner's death a year ago at the hands of police sparked protests around the country.
Greece: Tsipras' next battle is selling the deal to his own party
Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras faces a showdown with rebels in his own party today.
Pope Francis: The middle class has its problems too
The Pope said he was willing to have a dialogue with Americans who disagree with his criticism of capitalism.
Grexit averted, but Greeks cry foul over 'draconian' terms imposed by Europe
"Clearly the Europe of austerity has won," said Greece's Reform Minister George Katrougalos.
Israeli woman who fought Islamic State returns home to hero's welcome
A Canadian-Israeli who was the first foreign woman to help Syria's Kurds fight Islamic State has left the front lines and returned to Israel.
Tunisia says it has almost wiped out al Qaeda group after attacks
Tunisia's interior minister said security forces had almost wiped out an Islamist militant group linked to al Qaeda during a crackdown launched after two deadly attacks on tourists.