Executions in Saudi Arabia at a 20-year peak, says Amnesty International
Saudi Arabia has executed at least 151 people this year, the most since 1995 and far above the annual figure in recent years, Amnesty International said on Monday.
Myanmar: Fresh results show Suu Kyi set for sweeping power
Fresh results from Myanmar's election on Tuesday showed the opposition taking control of most regional assemblies as well as forming the next government, handing democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi sweeping powers and reshaping the political landscape.
Netanyahu: I remain committed to a two-state solution
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu assured U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday that he remained committed to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as they sought to mend ties strained by acrimony over Middle East diplomacy and Iran.
Russia faces athletics bans for widespread doping
Russia could be banned from international athletics, including the 2016 Olympic Games, after an anti-doping commission report on Monday alleged widespread corruption and collusion that added up to a state-sponsored drugs culture in a sporting superpower.
Obama meets Netanyahu seeking two-state solution with Palestine
U.S. President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meet on Monday for the first time since the Israeli leader lost his battle against the Iran nuclear deal, with Washington seeking his re-commitment to a two-state solution with the Palestinians.
Russian plane crash: Investigators '90 percent sure' it was brought down by a bomb
Investigators of the Russian plane crash in Egypt are "90 percent sure" the noise heard in the final second of a cockpit recording was an explosion caused by a bomb, a member of the investigation team told Reuters on Sunday.
Myanmar election: Victory for National League of Democracy
Myanmar's ruling party conceded defeat in the country's general election on Monday as the opposition led by democracy figurehead Aung San Suu Kyi appeared on course for a landslide victory.
Iran plans to attend next round of Syria peace talks
Iran will attend the next round of Syria peace talks, a top advisor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted as saying on Saturday, a week after Tehran threatened to withdraw from the process.
Myanmar: Voting smooth in first free election for 25 years
Voting unfolded smoothly in Myanmar on Sunday with no reports of violence to puncture a mood of jubilation.
Russia plane crash latest news: Egypt checking video footage at Sharm al-Sheikh airport
Egypt is checking video footage at Sharm al-Sheikh airport for any suspicious activity linked to the Russian plane crash in Sinai in the clearest sign yet that they believe it could have been targeted by militants.
Supreme Court to hear religious objection to Obamacare
The US Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear appeals brought by Christian groups demanding full exemption from the requirement to provide insurance covering contraception under President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law.
US moves to increase intake of Syrian refugees
The Obama administration will open new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday.