Paul Richardson
Senior clergy don't need MBAs to deal with abuse
Being a member of a profession does not just mean mastering a body of knowledge. There are traditions and an ethos that should shape thinking and action.
Sarah Mullally, like Justin Welby, is no theologian. The CofE is losing its nerve
It could be argued that the appointments of Justin Welby, hailed for his experience in the oil industry but a bishop for less than two years when he was translated to Canterbury, and of Sarah Mullally, a former chief nursing officer who has been a suffragan bishop for two years before her translation to London, represent a failure of nerve in the Church of England.
George Bell will be vindicated in spite of the Church of England
It is not a Macavity cat archbishop or a diocese struggling to escape a terrible reputation for failing to handle sex abuse that will vindicate Bell but history.
Bombshell from Rome: Yes, divorced and remarried people can take Communion
Pope Francis has acted to put an end to doubts about the interpretation of 'Amoris Laetitia', an exhortation he issued last year after two synods on the family. There has been dispute about whether Chapter VIII permitted the giving of communion to divorced and remarried Catholics providing certain conditions were met.
Why is established Christianity in decline? Truth, Trump and the quality of worship
In America the evangelical brand is being badly tarnished by association with Donald Trump. The 90-year-old Evangelical Association at Princeton has changed its name. The word 'evangelical' is in danger of becoming toxic.
Is religion the root of terror?
Is it primarily religion that motivates young men like Salman Abedi to carry out there terrible deeds or should we see them as damaged individuals, alienated from society, suffering from depression, convinced that the Western world is against them?