Paul Huxley
Should Christians attend a same-sex 'wedding'?
The reality is that attending such an occasion is an endorsement.
The 'born gay' myth is dead
The Guardian is not well known for challenging popular LGBT views about sexuality. But on Sunday, the newspaper covered a new study showing that 7% of UK people changed sexual identity over just a six-year period.
Christians should not be compelled to lie by using trans pronouns
It is only because the Church has become so desensitised to transgenderism that a request to use preferred pronouns can be construed as reasonable.
The real conversion practices we should be opposing are 'trans medicine'
Bigoted conversion therapists seem to be lurking on the internet, profiting from abhorrent, cruel, harmful, quack, abusive practices that torture and degrade trans people. Just one thing â where are they all?
Even unsuccessful 'conversion therapy' isn't harmful
If our leaders and our nation care about truth, we'll stop pursuing a conversion therapy ban that would harm the people it's meant to help.
Should the government compel people to be vaccinated against their conscience?
Paul Huxley, of Christian Concern, explains why he believes compelled vaccinations for care workers are not justified.