Patrick Mabilog
Does the world really need more faith-based movies?
It seems that more and more we're seeing a growth in production and release of faith-based films. At the onset, that should be a great thing right? Of course it is, but only if we avoid some pitfalls.
What to do when your prayers miss the point
I don't know about you, but I have to admit that I am the worst when it comes to prayer. I struggle with the words to say, many of them don't get answered and so often I just miss the point of it all.
God calls us his royal priesthood and holy nation but are we really making the cut?
Being a high priest called for a very high standard. Failing to meet the standard would mean disqualification from the call or even death. The call of a priest was a tough responsibility. Today we no longer need an earthly high priest because of what Jesus has done.
Why God asked a righteous man to marry a prostitute
What would you think if you heard one day that a pastor you know had walked into the local red light district and proposed to one of the women working as an escort, and on top of that, claimed that God had ordained it?
Millennials don't need a 'cool' Jesus, the real Jesus will do just fine
Often we overdo it and make Christianity fit the needs of the people often twisting truth to make faith convenient instead of us following Jesus no matter what the cost. Here are three pitfalls that threaten us when we overdo trying to make Jesus appear cool.
Why church-less Christians are missing a great opportunity
Is the Christian life without a church community really more beneficial - or even right?
Why the prosperity gospel brings a poverty mindset
A poverty mindset and a prosperity teaching have this in common: they put too much emphasis on the individual needs of people, placing the self at the center of the universe and making our needs, our wants and our desires more important than the will of God.
Why an emotional crisis is never from God
Whether it's struggling with depression, anger issues, frustration or dismay, an emotional problem is never from God. God may often allow us to experience it, but He is never the origin of an emotional battle.
When your faith in God seems to be all you have left
Faith, when it stands alone against a mountain of trial, often appears like an unmatched David facing a seemingly impossible fight to beat Goliath.
Christians: Always verify if facts you see online are true
While there are also many non-believers, atheists and even people from differnt religions falling for faux news, what should really catch our attention is how many Christians fail to heed biblical warnings by falling for such information.
Are you receiving God's grace but ignoring the call to holiness?
Since the beginning of the early church, licentiousness has plagued church communities often leading many people astray.
Do I really have to hate my family and even my own life to follow God? Luke 14:26 explained
What Jesus calls us to do in Luke 14:26 is not to detest people, but simply to hold Jesus as preeminent in all things.