Patrick Mabilog
5 Signs You Need To Let Go And Let God
Sometimes we need to learn to let go and allow God to work in and through our lives. Here are five signs you need to let go and let God.
5 Ways To Know If Our Relationships With People Are Getting In The Way Of Our Relationship With God
Here are five signs that our relationship may have become a stumbling block to our walk with God.
Can A Christian Do Anything Else Besides Pray For A Leader They Don't Like?
Whether they're national leaders, pastors, bosses or managers, we won't always agree with what our leaders always stand for, but we know for a fact that God is still working through them. So how are we now to respond?
Why A Healthy Marriage Needs More Than Romance And Physical Intimacy
What is there to keep marriages together if not romance or intimacy?
5 Tips For Staying Positive When It Feels Like The World's Falling Down Around You
Here are five tips to keep a positive outlook even though it seems like the world is falling down around you.
3 Ways Christians Should Respond To Feelings Of Inadequacy
How can we respond to feelings of inadequacy in a way that overcomes? Here are three ways.
Saying 'Jesus Is Light' Is More Than Just A Fancy Christianese Line
Saying that Jesus is light is not just a fancy way to put labels on God, but a truth that rings with so much substance and significance.
4 Ways We Get 'Being In The World, But Not Of It' Wrong
Here are four misconceptions some might have of the call to be in the world but not of it.
Can We Really Rely On God When Things Are Uncertain?
In God there is certainty. Here are three certain things that we know about God even in the most uncertain of times.
How To Choose Joy In The Midst Of A Negative Environment
How can we choose to remain in joy and hope if we are part of a negative environment? Here are four ways to do so.
If God Is Sovereign, What's The Point In Praying For Our Needs?
If God already knows our needs, then what's the point in praying? Why doesn't He just meet our needs?
5 Reasons To Never Give Up On Sharing The Gospel
There is power in the gospel that compels us to share it. Here are five reasons we should never give up on sharing the gospel.