Patrick Mabilog
Giants GM Bobby Evans brings Jesus to others through baseball
Giants GM Bobby Evans shared in a large group gathering at EPIC Church that he brings Jesus to others through baseball.
iOS 9.3 beta 1 launched for iPhone and iPad
The iOS 9.3 beta 1 was launched for the iPhone and iPad, and it's directed towards developers who are looking to update or build apps for the devices.
'Avengers: Infinity War' will have new set of heroes
"Avengers: Infinity Wars" may see a new line up of superheroes, and the old ones may be taken off the team.
Motorola handsets released in 2016 will have fingerprint scanners
Lenovo executive Chen Xudong confirmed in an interview that all Motorola handsets released in 2016 will have fingerprint scanners.
'X-Files' reboot spoilers: First minute released
20th Century Fox has released the first minute of episode one of the "X-Files" reboot mini-series that will be airing on Jan. 24.
HTC Vive pre-orders begin Feb. 29
The pre-ordering period for the upcoming VR headset the HTC Vive will start come Feb. 29, 2016, and will ship out sometime April.
'Guardians of the Galaxy' news: David Bowie was in talks for a cameo
"Guardians of the Galaxy" director James Gunn takes to Facebook his feelings on the passing of music icon David Bowie and reveals that the team was in talks of having the artist cameo in Volume 2 of the film.
'Of Kings and Prophets' news: How far will the show go in terms of explicit scenes?
There is an internal battle in ABC as to how much sex and violence the upcoming Bible-based series "Of Kings and Prophets" should show.
Doctor gets expelled from hospital for not supporting LGBT events
Dr. Paul Church, a prominent urologist in Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center was stripped of his hospital affiliations after a board ruling charging him of discrimination.
Syrian mother thanks Christian and Jewish doctors for saving daughter's life
A young Syrian one-year-old was recipient of a life-saving heart surgery. The benefactor was a group of Jews and Christians, religious and contemporary, who pool funds together to save children in the middle-east.
GoPro Hero 5 to be bundled with Karma?
Recent rumors indicate that GoPro is planning to bundle the Hero 5 with the upcoming GoPro-built drone Karma.
Republican Presidential Polls 2016: Marco Rubio expresses Christian faith in new TV ad
Sen. Marco Rubio expressed his Christian faith in new TV ad, saying that the purpose of life is to cooperate with God's plan.