Patrick Mabilog
7 Bible verses to help you battle stress
As true as it is that God wants us to be proactive and productive, I refuse to believe that God wants you to be stressed.
How to build teams that are ready to serve
What is it that builds teams that are ready to serve? Is it enough to compel and oblige people to give service?
6 Bible verses that will help you battle with addiction
One thing that all Christians can agree on is that through the grace of God and the transforming power of His Spirit, we can be set free from addictions.
5 scriptures on managing finances and what they teach us
There is a strong Biblical emphasis on managing and using finances, and we as Christians best learn about money and value when we read our Bible.
Singleness: How Christians can best enjoy being single
The time we are single is a great time to do these four things that will help us grow to become better Christians, and moreover better people.
Is it wrong for Christians to drink?
In many churches and youth ministries nowadays, drinking is strongly discouraged or even prohibited, but is there Biblical basis to doing so?
How can I guard my heart from pride?
Pride is a treacherous trait. It comes so subtly, brings downfall so easily and punishes heavily. So many Christians do their best to avoid pride and its hold on their hearts, but every now and then, it still creeps in.
4 lessons on prayer to teach your children
It's in the nature of kids to be relentless in asking, but that doesn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, we can teach our children some principles on prayer through this trait.
5 realities that will help us pursue God's will
Every Christian wants and desires one thing- to know and obey God's will, and often knowing and pursuing God's will for our lives seems a whole lot like rocket science- complicated and difficult.
Extreme grace: How to keep clear of licentiousness and legalism
There is a growing weight on both extremes in Christian faith- one that inhibits licentiousness and another that allows legalism. How do we find the middle ground?
5 ways to be a blessing to your spouse for a stronger Godly marriage
Marriages can seem like a lot of work. A strong marriage calls for sacrifices to be made, mistakes to forgive and decisions to trust.
5 things to avoid doing when sharing the Gospel with others
Sharing the Gospel to the lost is a privilege that God has shared to us, but there are some responsibilities that Christians who respond the call of evangelism should be keen towards.