Monica Cantilero
Number of world's refugees soars to record-breaking 59.5 million in 2014
The year 2014 broke records as the total number of internally displaced persons skyrocketed to an all-time high of 59.5 million, with Syria becoming the number one source of refugees, according to the UN Refugee Agency's annual report.
Pope Francis blasts 'great powers' for failing to stop mass deaths in Europe
Pope Francis condemned the failure of what he referred to as "great powers of the world" to prevent the deaths of thousands when there was actually knowledge that Jews, Christians, homosexuals and others were being moved to camps where they met their deaths during the Second World War.
Assisted suicide bill offers violence, not compassion, says LA archbishop
Assisted suicide is "hollow" compassion, said a bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, after the California Senate green-lit a measure allowing doctors to prescribe lethal prescriptions to patients who only have six months or less to live.
Boko Haram Islamist group spreads terror to Niger, killing at least 40
Islamist militant group Boko Haram has gone out of Nigeria to spread terror in neighbouring Niger for the second time on Friday, killing at least 40 people in two towns.
Burning of biblical church in Israel an 'attack on us all'âIsraeli PM
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the arson attack on a church at the Sea of Galilee as "an attack on us all," after the incident injured two persons and left a sizeable damage at the place of worship.
Woman sees no future in 'changing' UK, joins ISIS with sisters and kids
One of the three British sisters who reportedly took their children along with them to Syria to join the Islamic State believed there was no future for her daughters anymore in "changing" UK.
Slaughter in South Sudan: Girls raped, boys castrated, newborns killed in civil war, UNICEF says
Government troops and their allies allegedly murdered 129 children in South Sudan's Unity State, including girls who were raped before being killed and boys who were castrated and bled to death, in order to keep their generation from exacting revenge.
New church in Muslim-ruled UAE overflows with Christian believers
A new church for the thousands of migrant Catholics and local Arabs in Muslim-dominated United Arab Emirates has been inaugurated last week, highlighting the country's religious tolerance.
More heinous ISIS acts: Video shows executioner chopping off limbs of crucified Iraqi 'spy'
An Iraqi man accused of being a spy has been crucified by the Islamic State which then hacked off his limbs using knives.
Mexico infested with demons? Priests perform exorcism for entire nation amid rising wave of violence
Priests from all over Mexico has gathered in a closed-door ceremony in the cathedral of San Luis Potosà last month to exorcise not one person, but the whole country --the first since St. Francis expelled demons out of a whole Italian city.
Pope Francis assails 'attacks on human life' in new encyclical on environment
Pope Francis has denounced abortion, embryonic experiment, and population control as attacks to human life in his new encyclical, emphasising that respect for nature and human life must go together.
Worst church attack in US history: Obama says death of 9 in Charleston church 'hate crime' is 'heartbreaking'
US President Barack Obama has denounced the killing of nine people in a Charleston, South Carolina church, saying death happening in a place of solace is "heartbreaking."