Michael Brown
Can a Christian have a demon?
As the subject of deliverance and demons has come front and center in recent days, I wanted to state clearly what I do and do not believe, in keeping with the views I have held for decades.
How 'progressive' Christians misuse the Bible
In the words of Augustine, "If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don't like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself."
Satan is beginning to show his hand more clearly
It's as if Satan is coming out in full force, red tights and all.
You must bow at the LGBTQ+ altar - or else
Do you remember when the main goal of LGBT activism was creating an atmosphere of "tolerance and acceptance"? Those days are long gone.
A major scientific study confirms (what we all knew): men ARE different than women
Every so often, a moment of sanity prevails in our culture, quite unintentionally.
When thinking a prayer became a crime
This was not Orwell's 1984.This was England in 2022. Let that sink in.
From a pragmatic pro-life perspective, was the overturning of Roe a good thing?
Yes, yes, yes, it was good that the Supreme Court overturned Roe.
Destroying a child's future to keep them happy for the moment
The doctor you call to help your child in the short-term might be the doctor who hurts your child in the long-term.
The tide is turning against transgender activism
Given the radical nature of transgender activism and the ripple effect it is having on the larger culture, a pushback was inevitable. And so, while the current administration digs its heels in even more, the tide is turning against it.
Have we reached 'peak woke'?
Columnist David French recently expressed his hope that we have reached "peak woke." He defined this as "the peak (for now) of left-wing institutional intolerance and illiberalism regarding race, sex, and religion." I certainly hope he is right, since the alternative is hard to imagine.
It's going to get very ugly in the aftermath of Roe v Wade
They are furious and violent because they cannot do violence to their own flesh and blood. What kind of madness is this?
What the Early Church said about abortion
The pro-life position is easily deduced from the pages of the Bible. But when we look to writings of the early Church leaders, their condemnation is even more direct and forceful.