Martyn Whittock
Hidden in plain sight: Nympha and the other women leaders in the early church
There are several first-century women leaders to be found in the letters of Paul. Who were they and why are they significant?
The toll of the pandemic on our nation's children and young people has been huge
When we recall the total damage and loss caused by Covid-19, let us never forget the huge cost in terms of lost opportunities, stress and mental health to our young people.
Abortion in the USA: What is happening in Texas?
Abortion has raised deep and conflicting moral and constitutional questions in the US concerning the beginnings of life, personal freedom, and rights. And any constructive dialogue between the proponents of the two positions is almost impossible.
9/11 and how the world changed
In the twentieth year since 9/11, the end of US involvement in Afghanistan is part of a step-back from confident, open-ended, interventions. US ambitions abroad have been narrowed by the cost of these years. This will have a profound effect on the US as a global player over the next decade.
What now for the West, after Afghanistan?
If the West is not to become an irrelevance we need to be clear about our values and stand by them.
60 years after the building of the Berlin Wall, what can we learn?
On the 60th anniversary of the building of the Berlin Wall, we should be encouraged by the transience of this particular symbol of oppression, but also recognise the need to defend the values that build healthy and inclusive communities, for their longevity cannot be taken for granted.
The strange decline of US evangelicalism
What seemed to be the unstoppable rise of evangelicalism, and the terminal decline of 'mainline' Protestant churches, has flipped.
Lessons from the past for the Christians of today
Today the UK is arguably not a Christian nation in any truly meaningful sense. What to do about that? Panic? Bemoan modern society? Demand the government defend our Christian culture? The world of Sutton Hoo offers us both a challenge and a warning.
What might be in Trump's 'book of all books'?
Some people think the Bible is the book of all books so Trump clearly has high expectations for the soon-to-be-seen product of his scriptorium.
Banning Biden from communion? Here's what the US Catholic Church should consider
We are used to thinking about the importance of evangelicals in the politics of the modern USA but Catholicism looks set to make an impact on US politics this year.
As Pentecost shows, the Church must go beyond nationalism
In his "The Way I See It" column for Christian Today, historian and author Martyn Whittock warns that competing nationalisms are back in force - and that Christians can be just as guilty of putting nationalism before the internationalism of the Gospel.
The End Times in a period of pandemic
In his "The Way I See It" column for Christian Today, historian and author Martyn Whittock ponders whether this pandemic is a clear sign of events leading to the Second Coming, as some Christians believe.