Martin Saunders
Tomb Raider review: Searching for demons and an end to a long-running curse
Thematically, the film appears quite interesting from a Christian perspective.
Whatever happened to backsliding?
When I became a Christian two-and-a-half decades ago, you couldn't move in a church for hearing the word 'backslider'.
'You Were Never Really Here' review: pure evil puts grace to the test
A gruelling, gory film, containing only the briefest glimpses of beauty and light. But it's an important piece of work; both a fine piece of film-making and a challenging piece of provocation.
We need to talk about Satan: Why has the devil slipped out of view?
The Bible doesn't only tell us that there's an enemy, but that ultimately God has victory over him. In fact, thanks to the power of the Cross and the strange non-linear reality of time from God's perspective, that victory has already been won. So we don't need to be afraid of our enemy, just aware of him.
The Shape of Water... into wine: Christian Today's alternative Oscars 2018
As the glitz and glamour of Sunday night's Oscar ceremony fades, and all the glittery confetti is swept up in that theatre, do not worry that your appetite for endless awards ceremonies will go unsatisfied today.
Christian Today's Oscar Predictions 2018
Whatever happens at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles this Sunday night, it can't be as bad as last year.
Eight weird things Christians do during worship
So often we struggle to answer that repeated rallying cry to take the seemingly natural step of inviting other people to come and visit our faith community. Why?
Beyond thoughts and prayers: 7 ways Christians can actually solve America's gun problem
The Right to Bear Arms is enshrined in historic law, but so are a lot of things, and surely a Teenager's Right Not To Be Shot Dead supersedes it.
Stormzy attacks Theresa May over Grenfell and dedicates Brits win to God: Is he Christianity's latest hero?
Stormzy is no Cliff Richard but it's precisely this roughness that makes him exciting as a face for modern Christianity.
'The Shape of Water' review: Wonderful escapism, but there's a better story to tell
In lots of ways it's a really wonderful movie, but for a warm-hearted romance it left me feeling strangely tepid afterwards.
In defence of Pence: Why shouldn't he think God tells him to say things?
Unlike Trump, who discovered a Christian faith on the campaign trail just in time to win a large portion of the evangelical vote, Pence has been a long-term believer.
Black Panther review: Is this the most important film of the year?
Marvel's latest movie carries a weight of cultural significance like none of its predecessors.