Martin Davie
The message of hope in the book of Lamentations
We can find hope by looking at what at first sight may seem a very unlikely source, the Old Testament book of Lamentations.
What is the relationship between God's sovereignty and secular power?
According to the Bible, although government is exercised by human beings, the one who exercises supreme governmental authority is God himself.
A Christian approach to transgenderism
From a traditional Christian point of view there are still two basic reasons why it is problematic to accept someone as a member of their chosen sex if they are biologically a member of the opposite sex.
Rediscovering the true reason for the season
Only the God of Christmas, the God whose birth as a human being took place on 25 December, can give us the true happiness we seek in this life and eternal life in the age to come.
A Christian view of war
What is the Christian perspective on why wars occur? And is it right for Christians to participate in war?
Why is there hope for all who believe in Jesus?
Since New Testament times Christians have looked forward in hope to Christ's coming in glory, but many people today, including many Christians, are unsure about the nature of this hope.
Picturing Christ: how has Jesus been depicted over the last 2,000 years?
Most people today have a visual image of Christ. Long haired and bearded, simply dressed in homespun cloth, portrayed with varying degrees of Middle Eastern appearance (sometimes not), often with an intense gaze. These images have a back-story and historic portrayals have settled on this iconic image.
What do Christians have to say about death?
Many people, including many Christians, find the idea of eternal damnation difficult to accept.
How the Bible unravels one of the strongest arguments for abortion
It is wrong to argue that human freedom means the right to abort unborn children.
Why the appointment of the next Archbishop of Canterbury may prove challenging
The deep divisions within the Church of England and the Anglican Communion over the issue of human sexuality mean that it will become very difficult, if not impossible, to find someone everyone can agree on.
How should we understand the relationship between God, free will and the Fall?
God has seen the future, and it is good.
Does God change his mind?
I want to suggest that there are three reasons why we should say that the answer to this question is 'No.'