Mark Woods
A two-year-old boy has shot his mother dead. Now is it time for gun control?
A two-year-old boy was in the back of a car as his mother was driving her boyfriend's car down a highway.
Labour's antisemitism nightmare: Why there's something strangely hopeful about it
Today, if someone posts a comment or makes a remark that sounds antisemitic the reaction is panicked denial.
Why John Piper's wrong about cremation
Cremation, burial and John Piper: Mark Woods says a sensitive subject deserves a better treatment.
Brother Lawrence, the kitchen saint: 10 quotes from The Practice of the Presence of God
Nicholas Herman might have lived and died unremembered if his letters and conversations had not been preserved.
Infallibility: Why a key Catholic doctrine is back on the table
In his latest venture, Pope Francis may be pushing even harder at the boundaries of acceptability.
Is the Antichrist on his way? Half of America's pastors think so
Throughout history there have been various candidates, including Peter the Great, Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin.
Pakistan: Was an 18-year-old boy the latest victim of Muslim hostility to Christians?
A Christian boy in Pakistan has allegedly been hanged by Muslims who believed he was attached to a Muslim girl who lived opposite his brother's house.
North Carolina's bathroom law: Hateful bigotry or reasonable precaution?
It's an issue that has polarised opinion and had huge consequences for the state.
MPs reject call to rescue refugee children abandoned in Europe
Campaigners including Save the Children had called for the children to be allowed in, arguing there was an urgent need to protect them.
Bangladesh: Islamic State claims machete murder of English professor
Islamic State said it was behind the death of Rezaul Karim Siddiquee, 58.
Pope Francis urges prayer for kidnapped priests in Syria
"May the Merciful God touch the heart of the abductors and grant the release of our brothers," Francis said.
Secularists accuse Church of England of schools 'land grab'
Secular campaigners have hit out at the Church of England over its plans to take over four non-religious schools in the North of England.