Mark Woods
How do we answer the fundamental question: What is Jesus like?
That question "What is Christ like?" is a profound one, and fundamental to what we do when we do mission or just live in the world as his disciples.
Why the US doesn't want to see Boko Haram as part of Islamic State
The US view of Boko Haram as a locally-focused, homegrown insurgency is likely to keep the group more to the margins of the US fight against Islamic State in Africa.
Modern pagans: Are the Greek gods on their way back?
It's still a tiny minority, but there is a serious attempt to revive the worship of the old gods in Greece.
It's not you, it's me: How the religion of self is pushing God to the margins
Barna's president David Kinnaman says a new "morality of self-fulfilment" has replaced Christianity as the culture's moral norm.
Why worship music shouldn't be relentlessly positive
Much modern Christian music is about us â feelgood pap that would work as a pop song with just a few words altered.
Hagia Sophia row: Turkey allows Quran readings during Ramadan
Ramadan has started, and in Istanbul there have been readings of the Quran in the ancient Church of Hagia Sophia for the first time in 80 years.
US Southern Baptist decline continues, latest figures show
An analysis by LifeWay shows that the average number of worshipers, baptisms and giving to missions also declined from 2014-15.
British Baptists in 'sad but necessary' historical abuse review
The Baptist Union of Great Britain has reviewed 4,500 files covering everyone who has served as a Baptist minister.
On this day: Lindisfarne was sacked by the Vikings in 793
On June 8, 793, the Vikings landed on Lindisfarne, site of the famous Church of St Cuthbert.
Former Archbishop of York investigated over child sex abuse failings
Hope was criticised in a judge-led inquiry in 2014 over his handling of the case of Robert Waddington, former Dean of Manchester.
Astonishing reunion of Christian paramedic and the woman whose life he saved
An amazing meeting at a charity awards ceremony has seen a Christian paramedic reunited with a woman whose life he saved after she tried to commit suicide.
Is the government's anti-extremism strategy targeting college Christian Unions?
A Christian Union was barred from holding prayer and Bible study meetings as a result of the government's anti-extremism strategy.