Mark Woods
Nigeria: 9-year-old rescued after being starved, chained by pastor father
A pastor in Nigeria who chained up and starved his nine-year-old son has been arrested after the boy was rescued in a police raid.
3 reasons why giving can be spiritually dangerous
Matthew's account of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount contains some of Jesus' most challenging teaching.
Child abuse, the Church and the Goddard inquiry: Why we should all pray it succeeds
The abuse of children by people who ought to be caring for them is the ultimate betrayal.
Evangelising children: Gospel imperative or just manipulation?
At the heart of evangelicalism is the belief that faith is not something done to you. No one can make you a Christian without your consent.
Russia's crackdown on religion comes into effect
The 'Yaroyava' package, named after their sponsor in the Russian Duma, has been fiercely condemned both by Russian Christians and rights activists and internationally.
Josh McDowell: How I forgave the man who abused me as a child
McDowell, 76, was addressing the Together 2016 prayer rally, which attracted around 350,000 people on a blistering hot Saturday.
Perry Noble enters treatment centre, pledges to do 'whatever it takes to get better'
Noble said: "I'll be there for about 30 days. I'm going to be under the care of some excellent doctors, excellent psychiatrists."
US air strikes kill up to 90 civilians mistaken for ISIS fighters
The attacks are the most deadly on civilians since Coalition forces started bombing Islamic State forces.
How Donald Trump weaponised prayer at the Republican National Convention
Many people would feel quite uncomfortable at the idea of prayers at a political rally at all. But there are ways of doing it that honour the people in the room and honour God, by avoiding naked partisanship.
Guatemala: Army officer who murdered bishop dies in prison riot
The killing of the bishop was one of the most notorious crimes in recent Guatemalan history.
Why it's OK to argue with the Bible
Someone's said that if you aren't a liberal when you're 20 you haven't got a heart, and if you aren't a conservative when you're 40 you haven't got a brain.
British man prosecuted after confronting priest who abused him as a boy
Mark Murray sought out his abuser, Fr Romano Nardo, at the Comboni order's Verona headquarters last April with a view to confronting and forgiving him.