Mark Woods
Michele Bachmann: God raised up Trump for US president
Senior Republican politician and former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has said she believes God raised up Donald Trump to win the US presidential election.
Confession: Why God doesn't want to hear why we sinned
Don't bother telling God why you sinned. He isn't interested, says Mark Woods.
Atheist legal challenge could devastate National Baptist Convention gathering
The largest African-American denomination in the US is facing a funding crisis on the eve of its annual gathering next week because of a lawsuit filed by an atheist group.
Why Indian nationalists object to Mother Teresa being made a saint
In India, where Mother Teresa ministered for most of her life and founded the Missionaries of Charity order to take forward her work, her beatification is not universally welcomed.
Argentina: Mother Teresa nuns beaten and robbed
Nuns belonging to the Missionary Sisters of Charity order founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta have been attacked and beaten in their home in Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Three ways churches can get money wrong
Money is often a sore subject for churches. We're often not sure how to talk about it in an honourable way, so we don't talk about it at all.
Race tops agenda at Southern Baptist conference
Racial reconciliation was top of the agenda for the third annual conference of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
US Christian among first victims of Russia's anti-evangelism law
The first known victims of Russia's new anti-evangelism laws have been convicted and fined, according to the Forum 18 news service.
Online dating is massive among US evangelicals
Online dating is huge in the US evangelical community, according to research from the National Association of Evangelicals released yesterday.
Catholic sex education programme slammed by conservatives
A sex education programme produced by the Roman Catholic Church has been fiercely condemned by conservative Catholics who say it risks leading young people into immorality.
Earthquakes and floods: Is God punishing people?
Earthquakes aren't the only natural disasters we face. Christians respond to such events with love, care and practical help. But how do we answer the questions they raise?
Republican sources say Family Research Council head wanted gay cure therapy on party platform
Sources told The Daily Beast that Perkins read a proposal suggesting parents had the right to send their minor children to gay conversion therapy sessions.