Mark Woods
Language lessons: Why is learning to speak Christian so hard?
None of us grows up speaking 'Christian' as a native. It's a language that has to be learned.
Should the UK ban the burqa? Why Boris Johnson is right
Not much happens in August, news-wise, which in part explains the furore over remarks made by a back-bench MP about burqas.
Do pastors prefer preaching because they just don't like people very much?
A Barna survey may say something rather worrying about the kind of people who wind up in ministry.
Is Beyoncé under a 'generational curse'?
'I pray that I am able to break the generational curses in my family and that my children will have less complicated lives.'
Review: 'Paul, Apostle of Christ' is a hymn to the persecuted church
Where the film scores is in its depiction of life under the brutal Roman regime.
Patrick Sookhdeo found not guilty of indecent assault
Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, founder of the Barnabas Fund, has been found not guilty of indecent assault at his trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court.
The churches and the aid agencies made the same theological error
There's a collective failure to grasp something fundamental about theological anthropology.
'Farewell, Twitter': The bishop who deleted his account is a challenge to all of us
A US Catholic bishop has said farewell to Twitter on the grounds that it's damaging his spiritual health.
Reading around: 4 Bible verses Christians take out of context
'A text without a context is a pretext.' It's good advice, but it's surprising how often Christians ignore it.
IICSA: What did we learn from George Carey's testimony?
Lord Carey's testimony to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) yesterday made for depressing listening.
Here's why St Paul's Cathedral needs to control street preachers
Should the Bible be read and the gospel preached at a cathedral? It's a no-brainer, surely?
A pilgrimage to the past: Why I'm proud of my awkward spiritual ancestors
As a Baptist, pilgrimage is not really part of my tradition. But some places feel special to me, and on Saturday I visited one of them.