Mark Woods
A Nativity with Jesus and Mary in a rubber dinghy is true to life, if not to history
When is a Nativity scene not a Nativity scene? According to an Italian bishop, it's when it depicts the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus as migrants in an inflatable dinghy.
Can there be a meeting of minds between charismatic and liturgical traditions?
Is it possible to be a liturgical charismatic? Surely it's a contradiction in terms: either you're a freewheeling lover of Matt Redman et al, or you do it by the book.
Masterpiece Cakeshop: Is it the wrong battle to fight?
A landmark case is before the US Supreme Court today. In fact these tend to come along fairly regularly, but this one actually deserves its appellation.
Dean of St Paul's calls for 'compromised' bishops to lose responsibility for safeguarding
One of the Church of England's most senior clergy has called for a radical overhaul in how the Church deals with issues of safeguarding.
When ministers crack: Why telling your church what you think of them might not be the best idea
Church, the old quip goes, would be alright if it weren't for Christians.
Why I changed my mind about Christmas commercialism
Lights on water are lovely; many a brutalist city centre has been enlightened and enlivened by a civic winter wonderland; and we all need cheering up.
Pope Francis speaks of 'Rohingya' in first public reference during Asia visit
Pope Francis has broken a diplomatic taboo and referred to the Rohingya people by name for the first time on his visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh.
Donald Trump and Britain First: 4 reasons he should apologise for those retweets
That mental watchdog that keeps most of us from giving voice to the random thoughts that drift over the surface of our minds spends most of its time, in Trump's case, asleep.
Why is Meghan Markle really getting baptised?
Why is Meghan Markle getting baptised and confirmed before her wedding to Prince Harry?
How should Christians pray for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?
A royal wedding; how delightful. Who wouldn't wish Prince Harry and Meghan Markle well?
Praying for Sutherland Springs: What we need to know
What about those who are still there, next week, next month, next year? What will they face? How should we pray for them?
Southern Baptists will meet funeral expenses of Sutherland Springs victims
Southern Baptists are responding to the tragedy in Sutherland Springs with offers of financial help as well as pastoral support.