Mark Woods
Twitter Communions: Cutting-edge digital mission or theological nonsense?
A Methodist report says that online communions "compromise the integrity of the sacrament".
Transgender and Christian: How Caitlyn Jenner challenges the Church
For some Christians, helping people to transition from one gender to another is compassionate, others are profoundly uncomfortable with it. So what are the issues, and how should Christians approach them?
Worship pastor whose 2 children died in horror crash: 'We forgive the man who did this'
Gentry Eddings told an 800-strong congregation at his funeral that he and his wife have forgiven the driver responsible.
Bereaved again: How Joe Biden's faith will be tested again, and how the Bible can help
Having faced appalling tragedy once, now Joe Biden has to do it all over again.
Infant baptism: Is it ever ok for the Church to turn parents away?
Rev Tim Hayes of Dukinfield, Manchester, is said to have refused to baptise the child of unmarried parents.
Rick Warren pays tribute to 'calm and kind Christian' U2 manager Dennis Sheehan
The road manager for rock bank U2 died unexpectedly on Wednesday at the age of 69.
The wit and wisdom of GK Chesterton: 10 quotes to make you think
Novelist and theologian GK Chesterton was born today in 1874.
The Village Church on Karen Hinkley: 'We believe we owe her an apology'
"We have let our membership practices blind us to the person in front of us."
Analysis: Why didn't Tony Blair achieve more in Israel-Palestine, and whose fault was it?
The former British prime minister is stepping down from his role as representative of the Quartet.
Gospel for Asia faces fresh questions about financial affairs
Blogger Warren Throckmorton claims to have found discrepancies between how Gospel for Asia raises funds for its work in India and its spending there.
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams defends blasphemy as 'the language of protest'
In a New Statesman article, the former Archbishop of Canterbury says that blasphemy is not always an attack on faith.
Methodist investigation uncovers nearly 2,000 cases of abuse
The independent inquiry investigated the Church's response to incidents dating back to 1950.