Mark Woods
Indian bishop accuses Hindus and Muslims of 'love jihad' against Christian women
Mar Mathew Anikkuzhikkattil says that Christian women are being lured away from the faith by offers of marriage.
Think Muslim, think terrorist: Poll reveals British attitudes toward Islam
More British people associate the word "Muslim" with terror and terrorism than with any other quality, according to an Islamic Relief survey.
Magna Carta: Pretty great, but I know a better one
Today sees the 800th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta.
Stigmatised: The Ebola heroes no one will hire
Some estimates say that as many as 70 per cent of former Ebola response workers cannot find work.
Christians talking about Caitlyn Jenner: How not to do it
"I have no love for this Bruce freak," said Rev Stephen Anderson. "I hope he dies today."
US conservatives in last ditch defence against gay marriage
Conservative opposition in the US to the introduction of same-sex marriage is stiffening as the Supreme Court's ruling on the issue draws nearer.
Pope Francis: We can end world hunger if we want to
The Pope has called for a new focus on global hunger in a major address to delegates from the international Food and Agriculture Organisation in Rome
Tributes paid to Christopher Lee, master of the macabre
Lee died on Sunday in a London hospital, where he had been undergoing treatment for respiratory problems.
Franklin Graham and Wells Fargo: Wrong battle, wrong people, wrong issue
Franklin Graham pulled the bank accounts of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association from Wells Fargo.
Karen Hinkley reconciles with The Village Church: 'I believe it is time for me to move on in peace'
Matt Chandler and Josh Patterson "looked me in the eyes, apologised, and asked for forgiveness".
How churches could help solve Britain's housing crisis
More than five million people in the UK live in housing associations, and churches have a vital tole to play in tackling the crisis, a new report says.
Nigel Benn: How the Dark Destroyer found faith
Former drug addict and one of the most successful British boxers ever, Nigel Benn, is now a volunteer with Hillsong Church and says his "new drug is serving people".