Mark Woods
Homosexuality: Can a single YouTube sermon change conservative minds?
Dewey Smith blasts those who judge and condemn gay people for their hypocrisy.
The wisdom of Matthew Henry: 10 quotes to make you love the Puritans
Matthew Henry's commentary on the Bible was recommended by George Whitefield and CH Spurgeon.
Unwrapping the election: Why Anglicans vote Tory and Baptists vote Labour
There was strong Conservative support among Anglicans and Methodists, while Baptists and other Christians were more likely to vote Labour.
Writer of 'Christian erotica' says her goal is to save marriages
The former wife of an Alabama pastor is on a mission to help Christian couples save their marriages by spicing up their sex lives.
Evangelical Alliance: Tony Anthony's Taming the Tiger is fiction, not fact
The EA has issued a statement in which it stands by its 2013 verdict on the best-selling book.
Denver megachurch pastor: Why we need armed guards in our services
"We've never been safe in our churches â not an African-American man, not in America."
Prosperity preacher Creflo Dollar makes fresh appeal for funds
The evangelist whose request to buy a top-of-the-range private jet was met by widespread ridicule has launched a new fundraising campaign.
Protesting Mark Driscoll at the 02: Lone campaigner on why she took a stand
Gender justice campaigner Natalie Collins unveiled a banner saying, "Weep with those who weep."
US-China human rights dialogue is 'useless, toothless show' says China Aid president
The president of human rights organisation China Aid will tell a US Congressional hearing tomorrow that the Government should be much tougher on China over religious persecution.
Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leader: Right ideas, completely wrong choice
Jeremy Corbyn is 17 points clear of his nearest challenger, according to a YouGov poll.
Dealing with extremism: Why I'd back Welby over Cameron
The Prime Minister's desire for Muslims is that they conform their religion to his idea of a liberal English gentleman.
A philosophy for the 21st century: How to read Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes is a book that, on first reading, is unspeakably bleak.