Mandy Bayton
Raising successful people: five things parents need and the one thing they shouldn't forget
When my daughters were very young, I attended a parenting course at our local church. I went along rather reluctantly because I already had three children and wondered what on earth I could be taught â God has since taught me about the importance of a teachable spirit!
#BecauseofRHE: What I will remember about Rachel Held Evans
Rachel was able to confront evangelical controversies wisely, graciously and assertively both in her writing and speaking.
Have we failed the generation who are now parents?
I wonder how many of the people receiving a food bank parcel know what to do with what it contains?
What do I wear? My dilemma about identity and throwaway fashion
If I give in to the culture of throwaway, fast fashion then I'm not honouring my responsibility to be a good steward of the creation I have been put in charge of or upholding the greatest commandment of loving God and loving my neighbours as myself.
Managing Momo: Why coddling our kids isn't the way to protect them from harm
This past week another disturbing internet game hit the news â the Momo challenge.
Valentine blues: What does God have to say about finding love?
I was made to feel so guilty about wanting to be married again that I prayed for God to take my desire for a partner away.
The Jericho road: Jesus' parable is about transformation, not charity
Jesus deliberately set his parable on the Jericho road because it was 17 miles of violence and oppression.
The power of hope: Christmas and the death of fear
One of the reasons many of us are avid movie watchers is that Hollywood blockbusters often give us hope.
'God with skin on': Learning to live as the body of Christ
As for many of us, my life hasn't been particularly easy. At times there have been moments when I have felt as if God had abandoned me.
More than justice: Why homeless people don't just need homes
Eighteen years ago my first marriage ended. My three daughters and I had to leave our family home and register as homeless.
Bring on the ghouls and zombies: Why I'm embracing Halloween this year
As Maya Angelou said: 'If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.'
Christians won't transform communities until they fall in love with them
I am aware that not only have I adopted the nation, city and community where God has placed me, but I have fallen in love.