Louise Morse
The Prime Minister must address the crisis in care for the elderly
We have the power to end a social care crisis that each day sees 81 older people dying without care.
The best gift this Christmas can be a simple visit
People often shy away from visiting people with dementia because the normal ground rules don't apply, and they don't know how to communicate effectively.
A million older people are isolated and hungry. It's a scandal, but the church can help
The report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Hunger said some malnourished older people have entered hospital weighing five-and-a-half stone.
Why a new minister for loneliness won't solve the problem
The appointment and publicity has all the appearance of a sticking plaster over a gaping wound: one that's been caused by the government itself.
Being kind to older people is good, but neighbours can't give social care
Social care is more than befriending. It's more than keeping in touch and helping with shopping and building kind relationships.
'Yes, you'll wear purple, but you won't spit': questions around ageing in the modern age
Encouraging older people to recognise their God-given roles and live out the purpose God designed for them.