Lisa Nolland
An ex-gay on how Christians can engage effectively with the LBGT question
God is speaking directly to gay individuals and working in their lives, quite apart from any human involvement.
Why I could not attend a same-sex wedding
I believe that such an event ought to elicit mourning, not celebration. If we are convinced that this sexual union is sinful, how can we do otherwise?
Going, Going, Gone? LGBTQ and young people
This article focuses on the agenda of the LGBTQ and its impact on the next generation. Though many in the Church appear oblivious, those outside its walls see it clearly.
'Going, Going, Gone?' The Church of England and LGBTQ part 2: how can we really help?
Though few appear aware, there are powerful, orthodox-friendly responses to LGBTQ challenges which give those who identify as such much better help and support than progressives ever could.
'Going, Going, Gone?' The Church of England and LGBTQ Part 1
For some idea of what to expect in the Church of England as it moves towards same-sex blessings, we can look to the Church in Wales.
God is on the move in the broken Anglican Communion
GAFCON, the Global South and the huge constituencies they collectively represent are the hope and future of the Anglican Communion.
Pride Part Two - how can we respond?
LGBT people deserve proper help and we must offer it, as well as stand against this revolution which is taking the country by storm.
Pride part one: the real agenda
Christian leaders say they love Jesus, but what about his teachings on sex and gender, and what about the more fundamental freedoms to speak them in public?
The dangerous drive to sanitise and normalise polyamory
Mainstream media is selling a naïve, sanitised vision of poly that ignores the realities, including serious downsides.
Everything that is wrong with The Family Sex Show
Though the Church is mostly unaware, the public appears to be waking up (finally!) to the sad truth that young children from the age of five are now seen as legitimate targets of the wider pan sexual liberation movement.
When 'good intentions' go bad: LGBT+ teen fiction and the Church
Archbishop John Wilson was right to cancel the visit of a gay author to a Catholic school.
'Gay conversion therapy does not work' - Really?
Two recent studies actually support sexual orientation change efforts.