Latanya Fraser Cato
Dealing with disappointments and struggles
Don't allow your disappointments to consume you but give them to God and allow his peace and joy to sustain you.
We can find all the answers for life's questions in the Bible
We ask many questions about life daily. Why am I here? What's my purpose? What will tomorrow be like? Why is there so much evil within this world?
The antidote to spiritual blindness
Everything the enemy does is revealed to us somehow, but sometimes we are blinded by its appearance.
When we lack the motivation to seek God
Let us embrace God's unconditional love and seek after him daily, even when we don't feel like it.
Am I going my direction or God's direction?
Sometimes we are on the correct path, walking in the will of God. Then, we get distracted. These distractions consume our thoughts to the point where we don't recognize how far we have gone off course until it's too late.
When it's good to question
Many of us take part in the traditions practised by our countries or families without being conscious of the harm some of these practices may bring. We often need physical evidence to verify the danger, and if we haven't seen it, we believe that the activities are completely safe. We must question these practices, know the reason for doing them, and see if they are contrary to the word of God.