Krish Kandiah
What is biblical submission?
Krish Kandiah looks at egalitarianism, complementarianism, and the radical call to equality in the gospel.
Top 10 reasons to believe that Jesus really did rise from the dead
Krish Kandiah examines the resurrection.
Refugee children: Why rescuing the innocent victims of war is right and godly
Last night prayers were offered on behalf of millions of displaced people, and particularly refugee children.
In defence of Benedict Cumberbatch: I'm glad he's bothered about refugees
Michael Buerk is sniffy about celebrity intervention on behalf of Syrian refugees. Krish Kandiah thinks it isn't such a bad thing.
Why that Netflix binge could be good for your soul
Getting your latest Netflix fix, may not be an entirely bad thing, argues Krish Kandiah.
5 ways to test whether you've heard from God
So you think God might have spoken to can you know for certain?
How a village on a mountain became a city on a hill
This is the story of a small Chinese village called Yang Jia where 53 families have fostered 166 children! As if that is not remarkable enough, all of these children had complex special needs.
5 questions every Christian voter should ask this election
Krish Kandiah looks ahead to the US presidential election, and offers some questions Christians should consider before voting.
How to start a compassion revolution
Krish Kandiah says it starts with 'echoes of compassion'.
Has the Church succumbed to half-brained thinking?
Krish Kandiah explores right- and left-brained thinking, and the impact it may have had on the Church.
What can theology teach us about how to live in the world?
Krish Kandiah offers the second in a two-part series on the power and place of theology in our lives.
Why should Christians care about theology?
Theology can often seem dense and unappealing, but Krish Kandiah believes it's an essential companion to our flourishing as Christian disciples.