Julian Mann
The soul of Conservatism is at stake
If the Conservative Party will not help to conserve the convictions of the Church of the nation, what will it conserve?
A Christian case against defence cuts
Social disorder is already a growing threat to the maintenance of justice in our country
When free debate is shut down, it's hard to see who benefits
The Law Society, the proud bearer of a Royal Charter, should be deprived of that honour following its decision to ban a pro-marriage conference from its London headquarters.
Christians must make their views about marriage known
A petition, however long, presented to the Prime Minister by a delegation does not have the same impact as a mass demonstration in central London.
The politically correct only tolerate safe Christianity
Prayers before political meetings unfortunately have not stopped piles of anti-Christian legislation being passed in the UK since the 1960s
Nigeria needs help if it is to crush Boko Haram
Nigeria's churches remain in the frontline between the Judaeo-Christian values underpinning Western civilisation and the medieval barbarism wanting to impose Sharia Law
Why David Cameron's Bible speech matters
It's the timing of Mr Cameron's intervention that makes it so important
The church and the re-moralisation of Britain
Christianity could find itself back in demand from the political and media establishment
The St Paul's fiasco is symptomatic of Anglican confusion
No political camp has a monopoly of virtue
Thank the Good Lord for parliamentary democracy
There is a whiff of Weimar about British politics at the moment
The Christian case for capital punishment
There is sound âimage of Godâ theology about the dignity of human accountability
David Cameron is more politically correct than Tony Blair
David Cameron is more dogmatically in favour of political correctness than his hero Tony Blair.