Joshua Searle
Authentic community: Reflecting on the European Mennonite Regional Conference
I cannot remember attending a theological conference that was pervaded by such a deep and meaningful sense of community.
What is the point of theology?
What does theology mean to the wretched of the earth, to those without status, wealth, or power?
Ukraine's forgotten crisis: How ordinary Christian heroes are bringing hope to the hopeless
Nowadays Ukraine seems to have dropped off the agenda. This lack of media attention means that many people in the UK and beyond are unaware of the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe there that continues to the present day.
The crucified creation: A Christian view on the climate crisis
Creation is being crucified. This crucified creation is groaning under the weight of sin and greed.
Fascism And False Messiahs: Why The World Needs Christ More Than Ever
Historians will look back on 2016 as the beginning of a chain of events that set the world on the path towards a menacing authoritarianism.
Independence Day? How a Crisis of Compassion brought us Brexit
Brexit is a cause not for nationalistic celebration and triumph, but for nationwide soul-searching, which should include a strong note of lament and repentance.
Why Britain's EU referendum is a moment of crisis for Europe
People are again being captivated by populist sentiments and the consoling illusions of 'national sovereignty'. Far-right parties are on the rise throughout the continent.