Joseph Hartropp
Students At Christian University Petition Against Trump's Executive Order On Refugees
A petition has been launched by students of Baylor University calling on its administration to join the growing 'sanctuary campus' movement that works to protect undocumented immigrants.
Iranian Christian Convert 'Seriously Ill' Following Hunger Strike
An Iranian Christian convert who has been imprisoned since August has fallen 'seriously ill' after going on hunger strike.
How To Read The Bible: Take It Literally But Take It Seriously
Professor Iain Provan says that we need to recover a sense of reading the Bible literally, but not literalistically. What did he mean by that?
The Look Of Love: Experts Reconstruct The Original Face Of Saint Valentine
The true story of Valentine is one mired in mystery and the truth about who he was and what he did it a little unclear. Nonetheless, experts now believe they have discovered what he actually looked like.
Radical Romantic Or Persecuted Priest: Who Was St Valentine?
Today is Saint Valentine's day. But who was he? No one is quite sure, but the stories certainly are interesting.
Pastor Killed And Church Destroyed In Revenge Attack In Central African Republic
A Christian pastor has been killed and two churches destroyed in brutal revenge attacks by Muslim rebels in the Central African Republic.
Shut-Down Indonesian Church Told It Can Reopen - If It Shares Land With A Mosque
A shut down church in Indonesia has been told that it may reopen â if the church agrees to share their land with a mosque.
'Tragedy Of Our Times': UK Government Urged To Protect World's 250,000 Child Soliders
The charity World Vision has urged the UK government to make protection for the world's 250,000 child soldiers a priority.
Police Investigate 'Mismanagement' After Church Lost £3.9m Investments
Police are investigating after one of Europe's biggest churches lost most of £5 million invested by former footballer
'Living Biblically' Could Be Great TV, But The True Challenge Is Bigger Than We Think
The TV network CBS is making a new comedy sitcom all about 'living Biblically'. But it's so much harder than we think.
'Christianity Theme Park' In China Sparks Outrage From Devotees Of Chairman Mao
Outrage has been sparked over plans for a 'Christianity theme park' in China, the park's location is considered 'sacred ground' for devoted followers of Chairman Mao.
Science And Faith Projects Get New Church Funding
Church of England parishes across the UK have received a new funding of up to £100,000 in a bid to foster dialogue between science and faith.