Joseph Hartropp
'Do Not Fear:' 10 Bible Verses About Confidence
Courage can be hard to find, but Scripture is constantly encouraging God's people to have confidence, not because they are great, but because their maker is. Here are 10 Bible verses about confidence.
Becoming Inhuman? How Our Cellphones Are Making Us Dumber
What if we loved the Bible like we love our mobile phones? Our digital distraction is damaging not just to our spirituality, but our humanity. Here are three ways our mobile obsession is making us dumber, and one thing we can do about it.
World Vision Warns Of Millions At Risk In East Africa, Launches Hunger Crisis Appeal
Tens of thousands of children across East Africa could die from starvation unless the world acts soon to stop the famine affecting millions in the region, a charity has warned.
Explainer: Who Were The Legendary Knights Templar?
Have you heard of the Knights Templar? The legendary order has sparked much speculation, and even made news today, but who are they?
#InternationalWomensDay: 5 Mighty Women In The Old Testament
Today is #InternationalWomensDay, an occasion to celebrate women and the campaign for gender equality. Here are five female heroes from the Bible.
Trump: Planned Parenthood Can Have Federal Funding, If It Stops Doing Abortions
Donald Trump has said he will maintain federal funding for Planned Parenthood â if the health service stop providing abortions.
'The Poor You Will Always Have With You': Did Jesus Care About Poverty?
A US congressman earned considerable scorn last week when he used the teachings of Jesus to argue that some people, frequently the poor and the homeless, 'just don't want healthcare'. But what did Jesus mean when he said: 'the poor you will always have with you?'
Portuguese Evangelicals Have Planted New Churches, But Their Numbers Are Still Falling
Evangelical churches in Portugal are on the decline, according to recent reports.
Notion Of Pope Fighting Conservative Vatican Opposition Is A 'Cliché', Top Cardinal Says
A leading Vatican's official has challenged claims of internal tension in the Catholic Church, underplaying the popular notion of a reforming Pope contending with conservative resistors.
Mother of ISIS-Executed Journalist Says She Was Moved By 'Loving' Support Of Pope Francis
The mother of American journalist James Foley, who was executed by ISIS in Syria, has thanked the Pope for his support on a recent trip to the pontiff in Rome.
Who Was Saint Thomas Aquinas? The Legendary Christian Philosopher In 10 Quotes
On this day in 1274, a Dominican friar named Thomas Aquinas died. His works of theology transformed the Church and western philosophy, and he is regarded as a Saint in the Catholic Church. Here he is, in ten quotes.
WATCH: Comedian Tracey Ullman's Hilarious Take On A Christian's Job Interview
Should you mention your faith in a job interview? It could make things awkward. The popular, multi-award-winning comedian Tracey Ullman's new BBC show features a sketch exploring the awkwardness of talking about Christian faith in public.