Jonah Hicap
Christian-owned wedding venue places newspaper ad to say it will not host same-sex weddings
A Christian couple who owns a wedding venue in Texas has placed an advertisement in a local newspaper to announce that they will not host same-sex weddings because of their faith.
VMA 2016: Beyoncé pays tribute to God during performance with flashing sign saying 'God is God, I am not'
Pop queen Beyoncé made a splash at the MTV Video Music Awards (VMA) on Sunday as she not only captivated the audience with a medley from her album "Lemonade" but also paid tribute and made references to God.
U.S. school district stops programme for kids with developmental delays following atheist group's complaint
A school district in WIsconsin was forced to stop its preschool program for 3-year-old students with development delays following a complaint from a group of atheists that said it was "inappropriate and unconstitutional."
U.S. school board bars pastor from meeting students after complaint from atheists
Schoolchildren in a middle school in Illinois have been deprived of their religious freedom after a Baptist minister was barred from meeting them during lunch hour following a complaint filed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), an atheists' group, which claimed that such a meeting is unconstitutional.
8-year-old inspired by church lesson on giving raises thousands of dollars for Louisiana flood victims by sewing tissue holders
Inspired by lessons from her church and school about giving, an 8-year-old girl is sewing to raise funds for the flood victims in Louisiana.
U.S. appeals court junks pastor's challenge to California gay conversion therapy law
A U.S. appeals court has denied a case that challenged California's gay conversion therapy law for the second time, saying it did not violate the Free Exercise and Establishment Clause.
Foundation backs Christian baker in U.S. Supreme Court case over religious freedom
An Alabama-based foundation dedicated to the defence of the U.S. Constitution and religious freedom has filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court to support a Christian baker in Colorado who was ordered to make cakes for same-sex marriage celebrations in violation of his religious beliefs.
Top 5 reasons why U.S. churches went to court in 2015
Sexual abuse of minors is the No. 1 reason why religious organisations went to court in 2015, according to a lawyer.
U.S. Air Force allows Bible at officer's workstation after investigation
A U.S. Air Force unit has cleared an officer of violating the U.S. Constitution and allowed him to retain a Bible at his work station.
Father on trial for death of his sick baby because he believe prayer, not medicine, would heal
A father in Gwinnett County, Georgia is facing murder charges for the death of his sick baby, believing that prayer and not medicine could have saved the child.
Atheists force U.S. university to remove Bibles from its hotel rooms
An atheist organization has forced a university in Arizona to remove Bibles from its executive inn after it sent a complaint.
Princeton University's HR department bans use of words 'man' and 'woman'
Princeton University's Human Resources Department has set new guidelines on what it calls "gender inclusive language" by barring the use of the word "man" in communications, policies, job descriptions, and job postings