Jeremy Sharpe
Tackling the loneliness epidemic in lockdown
Christians, churches and Christian charities will have a significant role to play in addressing loneliness over coming months.
We need a lot more care-mongering and a lot less scare-mongering
May we all continue to 'think outside of the box' as we do what we can within the confines of our circumstances to look out for those most in need.
A Christian response to loneliness this Christmas
With many extended families now living many miles from one another and often relying on telephone or video conferencing to stay in contact, we are living in an increasingly 'virtual world' in which physical company is becoming a bonus rather than the norm.
Britain's loneliness crisis - a Christian reponse
The Bible teaches us that we are all to care for those on the margins of society and, by definition, many people struggling with loneliness are often unseen.