JB Cachila
Already fallen into temptation? Some encouragement to get you walking with God again
It's easy to stay stuck in guilt and shame, but here's some help to get you moving forward and back towards God.
3 reasons why we go through spiritually dry seasons
The Christian faces different seasons at different times in his life. One of the seasons we face as Christ-followers is a dry season. Here are some reasons why we go through spiritually dry seasons.
Is it OK for Christians to cherry pick from the Bible in order to win non-believers to Christ?
Should Christians cherry pick nice and pleasant verses from the Bible so that they can win people over to Christ?
Why does the Bible also refer to Jesus as the 'Son of Man'?
There are some reasons.
Practical things you can do when you're finding it hard to pray
Friend, don't be discouraged from coming to God when you don't know what to say.
5 Bible verses to get your day off to a powerful start
Will we face the day with excitement knowing that God made it, or will we face the day with sadness, knowing that yesterday's fun is over?
What to do if you struggle to feel the love of God
Many Christians struggle to feel the love of God. Ironically, this comes after God had already revealed Himself as the God of love. Why is this so? How do we deal with it?
Why does Paul say husbands should love their wives?
Paul's exhortation to all husbands to love their wives is more than just a command to love them. Why did he say that anyway?
3 reasons some Christians do not see God moving powerfully in their life
The Bible says that the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. Yet, why is it that some Christians do not see God moving powerfully in their lives?
3 signs you are being unequally yoked
To help you know if you're being unequally yoked with an unbeliever or a Christian who is not intent on pursuing Christ and Christ-likeness, here are some signs you need to watch out for.
Why God cannot tolerate even a little grumbling and complaining
Why are we told not to grumble or complain? Let's talk about that.
Finding it tough to guard your heart? Here is a word of encouragement for you
Everyone who's ever tried to guard their heart against all sorts of impurities and wrongs knows that it's not an easy thing to do. Why does the heart require much effort to guard?