JB Cachila
3 signs you are being tempted by the Devil
How do we know if Satan is tempting us? Here are a few ways to know.
One reason we shouldn't blame the enemy for our mistakes
We should learn to stop blaming the devil for our mistakes, and instead learn to repent of them.
3 good things that happen through bad experiences
Good things happen to those who love God, even when they go through bad experiences. Here are some of them.
Is it ok for Christians to use healing crystals?
Ask yourself: would Jesus use them?
3 devastating effects of gossip
Idle people are the ones who are tempted to gossip.
What to do when your faith is weak in the face of a big challenge
So many Christians cower in fear when challenges come.
3 things only a Christian wife can do for her husband
Here are some things that only a wife can do for her husband.
Should Christian men cut ties with female friends after getting married?
Perhaps one of the most important decisions a husband has to make is to let go of his female friends in favor of his marriage to his wife. Here are some reasons why.
Is it ok for married Christians to be close friends with someone of the opposite sex?
Here's why married men and women should not have close friends from someone of the opposite sex.
3 things you can do if you are struggling in your prayer life
A Christian is only as strong as his prayer life.
3 good you can only experience by participating in the Body of Christ
Here are some good things that we can experience or have only by participating in the Body of Christ.
3 things we need to be Christ-like in our serving
The Lord Jesus Himself, though He was and is God, chose to serve in love.