JB Cachila
God's kingdom: is being comfortable stopping you from going out to the world with the message of Jesus?
It should be our desire to see God enthroned in the lives and hearts of every person, and that His will might be done at all times and in all places.
5 ways to serve the people in your community and bring the gospel to them
Christians who desire to serve the Lord will find that there are a lot of things that they can do.
Jesus-centered marriage: does your marriage just 'look Christian' while hiding a less glorious reality?
God intended that marriages would glorify Him so here are some important questions married couples need to ask themselves.
How going through something bad can be good for you
Everybody going through unpleasant experiences can feel and think like they're at the lowest point in their lives. But here's why every cloud really does have a silver lining.
5 Bible verses to comfort you when you feel let down by the people you love
Being let down hurts, most especially when it's by the people we love.
Jesus-centered marriage: Is Jesus competing with your spouse for your attention?
Marriages that are centered on Christ Jesus can be characterized by one thing: Jesus takes the center stage in the relationship, and there's not competition between Him and a spouse.
The one thing guaranteed to turn people off you and off Jesus
If there is one thing that will perfectly turn people off a Christian and ultimately the Lord Jesus, it's the character of lording over others.
Tempted to feel angry with God? Taking a fresh look at the example of Jesus will help
Whenever we feel tempted to get mad at God for any reason, looking at Jesus will help us have the right heart and attitude towards God.
Even the elect will be deceived in the end times; here's how you can stay right with God
Jesus spoke strongly about the coming deception, in that it will be so intense that even the elect might be deceived. Here are some things you can do to stay right with God.
Plagued by nagging insecurities? Turn to these Psalms to restore your confidence in God
Whenever insecurities come, the best defense and offense against them is to take refuge in our God and His word
5 ways you can bless your spouse every day
Your marriage is the most important relationship in your life, second only to your relationship with God. Are you looking for ways to enhance your marriage?
Are you putting limits on your love for the Lord?
Most of us love God with our mouths but not with our lives. Why are we putting limits to the love we give to the Lord?