JB Cachila
4 practical things you can do to help improve your relationship with God
Your relationship with God is the most important relationship you'll ever have, and thus it deserves to be our utmost priority.
Why loving God matters more than doing good
Loving God should be the most important thing for a Christian wherever they may be. Sadly, there are some Christians who equate loving God just with serving people, but neglect having a personal relationship with Jesus or going to church. While serving people or doing good things is good and commendable, it should not come before our relationship with the Lord.
5 practical ways to help improve your relationship with your spouse
Our relationship with our spouse is the most important relationship in our lives, second only to our relationship with God Himself.
Godly relationships: What to do when your relationships become strained and sour
The devil loves to destroy Godly relationships. Here are some things you can do to fight back and be fruitful in your relationships with people.
How to know if I am still in the will of God for my life
Because we are often faced with many distractions and possible detours in life, it would be best to check if we are still in line with the will of God for our lives.
How to face trials and testings with joy
Trials and testings are in no way pleasing, but the Bible tells us to count it all joy when we face them.
Can I listen to secular music and still be Christian?
Friends, this isn't about a set of rules. Rather, it's about fixing what's in your heart â would you rather fill your heart with God's praises, or fill it with the world's chorus?
What to do when the church hurts you
Despite the fact that the church is a gathering of people that profess to be Christ-followers, we all know that it is still a body of people that are hurting, imperfect and are in need of God's amazing grace.
Confused about which decision to make? Here's the best way for you to figure out what God wants you to do
Confusion is the state wherein we can't make up our mind for lack of direction. Knowing what God wants you to be and to do sets you free from confusion.
3 Bible verses to encourage you to try again
All the time, failures are meant to draw us closer to our loving Father.
5 Bible characters who remind us it's ok to be human and not know everything
Being a Christian doesn't mean being perfect. Here are 5 figures from the Bible who are refreshingly human in their faith - and their flaws!
How do you stop repeating past mistakes?
Are there any mistakes or sins in your life that keep repeating, and you feel like you're doomed to just keep repeating them every time? If you said yes to this, then you should know that you have a bondage.