JB Cachila
Why counting the cost before committing to something is important
Friends, be wise in making your commitments.
Here's the secret to a ministry that never burns out
Great thing is that no matter how limited we are as servants of God, the God that empowers us to serve is limitless.
5 ways to build yourself in the most holy faith
We must learn to build ourselves up in our most holy faith in Christ Jesus.
3 things to prepare for if you insist on marrying an unbeliever
Marriage is a very exciting but very serious thing. It's so serious that the Bible warns us not to partner with the wrong spouse.
3 reasons why 'bad' things happen for the good
Unwanted circumstances show up for a purpose.
5 truths we need to remember daily so that we can stand against the enemy's schemes
Here are some truths that you need to remind yourself of so that when the devil comes and attacks you with his accusations and condemnations, he will not win.
5 Bible verses emphasising the need for us to bear fruit in keeping with repentance
The Bible tells us that our repentance should bear fruits.
Why honouring our parents is a must
The way we treat our parents ultimately reflects how we treat our heavenly Father.
How God's love empowers us to do what is right
God's love does not only free us from our slavery to wrongdoing, it also supplies us with the power to do what is right.
3 ways to encourage a discouraged pastor
No matter how godly, wise or anointed pastors may be, they are still human.
Is it OK for a Christian to play video games?
No, this article isn't going to bash gamers or prohibit Christians from playing videogames.
How do I share the gospel without offending others?
The truth is that the gospel will always hurt people who are in sin.