Irene Lancaster
Abraham and the welcoming of guests
Next time we read the famous stories of Abraham welcoming his three guests, trying to save the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and taking on G-d, let's just step back and think of the nature of service.
On the value of biblical interpretation
It's not so much about a straightforward formulae of prohibition as it is about clear principles.
There is much to appreciate in Melanie Phillips' first novel, The Legacy
Yes, this first novel by great journalist, Melanie Phillips, who always tells it how it is, manages the impossible.
What is Rosh Hashanah?
And why is it celebrated by blowing the shofar?
Can Bible-based Jews and Christians reclaim the vegan revolution?
Whether we can give up meat, fish and dairy entirely is not really the question. What is the question is how we can incorporate food into our lives (having taken medical advice of course) in such a way that our diets can help towards the betterment of the world.
On 21st century idolatry and its repercussions
Do you think it is right to trample over the needs of the local populace in order to build and worship idols? No - me neither.
Redemption: a gift of G-d or man?
The idolatry that has grown up around football since 1966 is an indictment of our age, in which our religious leaders no longer lead, and football has simply filled in the gap.
The benefits of radical amazement
What is needed is a combination of the childlike (but not naïve) approach to the beauty of life.
Goodbye Netanyahu, hello Bennett
Let us hope and pray that this is not only the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Israel, but also the continuation of all that was good in the previous chapter.
Lessons from the Book of Numbers on the nature of true belief
We're not promised a free lunch or a bed of roses.
Stepping up to the plate
Numbers 8-12 tells us to step up to the plate. But what does this actually mean?
What does it mean to be a pilgrim?
The walking was as important as the arriving.