Heather Tomlinson
Bishop Angaelos Condemns Refugee Policies That Discriminate
Bishop Angaelos, leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK, has spoken out against refugee policies that discriminate. He warns of the dangers of seeking revenge.
Baptist Minister Challenges Franklin Graham Over Donald Trump Refugee Policy
A Baptist minister has challenged support for Christian humanitarian charity Samaritan's Purse, because its chief executive Franklin Graham defended US President Donald Trump's refugee policy.
Spiritual Comfort If Christmas Is Difficult For You This Year
However difficult our Christmas is, there is always hope of healing and redemption because Jesus came to us.
Are The Christmas Stories True, Or Myths?
Of all the events in the New Testament, those surrounding Jesus' birth are possibly the most accused of being inauthentic.
10 things we can learn about Islam from Nabeel Qureshi
Nabeel is a former Muslim who is now an inspiring and effective evangelist.
How to live without sex: a beginner's guide to celibacy
Is it possible to live without sex?
Can we trust the Gospel of John?
John's Gospel has quite a different flavour to the other three, and some try to argue that it isn't reliable.
Is the Bible trustworthy or has it been changed?
Thanks to certain popular books, it's common to hear people say that the Bible can't be trusted because it's been changed.
3 reasons we shouldn't put all our faith in science
Though science can give very clear and objective answers to certain questions, it becomes much less powerful when dealing with more complex questions, says Heather Tomlinson.
Prayer and religion banned in Chinese hospitals
Hospitals in an eastern province of China have banned all kinds of religious activity, including receiving pastors, praying for the sick and preaching, in the latest crackdown on Christianity.
'In the silence of the heart God speaks': 10 inspiring quotes from Mother Theresa
Mother Teresa, the Albanian nun who spent years caring for the poor in the slums of Calcutta, is to be canonised by Pope Francis on September 4.
Mauritania: Anti-slavery activists sentenced to up to 15 years in prison
Thirteen anti-slavery activists in Mauritania have been sentenced to up to 15 years in prison despite calls from human rights activists to release them and reports that they have been tortured.