Hazel Torres
ISIS militants take over civilian homes in Raqqa, shave beards to avoid being targeted by enemy aircraft
Islamic State (ISIS) fighters are feeling the heat from intensified coalition airstrikes to such an extent that they have resorted to shaving their beards and seizing civilian homes in their Syrian stronghold of Raqqa for fear of being targeted by armed drones and other coalition aircraft.
Sudden death of conservative Justice Scalia plunges U.S. Supreme Court, politics into turmoil
The Obama administration was plunged into turmoil following the sudden and unexplained death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the outspoken leader of the Supreme Court's conservative bloc.
This Valentine's Day, America's 'longest married couple' bares secret to everlasting love
The "longest married couple" in America have just one key word of advice to couples seeking everlasting love this Valentine's Day: Devotion.
Black pastors assailed for giving their blessings to abortion, same-sex marriage advocate Hillary Clinton
Christian author and radio talk show host Michael L. Brown is denouncing the pastors who last week blessed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and declared her as "the next president of the United States."
Trump calls Pope Francis a 'very political person who doesn't understand' America's immigration problem
U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is not pleased with Pope Francis' plan to stand with migrants at the U.S.-Mexican border on Friday, saying the head of the Roman Catholic Church "doesn't understand" America's immigration problem.
Ben Carson to stay in White House race 'until I win,' says he's not keen on VP job
Despite faring badly in Iowa and New Hampshire, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said he's staying in the race "until I win."
North Korean nuke missile could hit any target in U.S., triggering doomsday scenario, weapons experts warn
Weapons experts are one in expressing alarm at North Korea's ambition after it tested a long-range rocket system over the weekend that drew worldwide scorn.
'Something scary' in Donald Trump after his overwhelming New Hampshire victory, columnist warns
Although Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump won an impressive landslide victory in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, his critics, far from being impressed, have all the more become wary of what the future holds in store for America in case he eventually wins the White House this November.
America could fall to Islam, just like the mighty Byzantine Empire of old, biblical scholar warns
For all its greatness, America could collapse and be defeated by Islam just like what happened to the thousand-year-old Byzantine Empire, biblical scholar Eddie Hyatt warns.
Obama 'spoke a lot of nonsense, some of it dangerous,' in Baltimore mosque speech, radio show host points out
The media didn't report it, but U.S. President Barack Obama "spoke a lot of nonsense, some of it dangerous," when he spoke at a mosque in Baltimore last week, according to nationally syndicated radio show host Dennis Prager.
Japan 'ghost' stories: Horrified drivers recall taking passengers who vanish after asking to be taken 'home' to quake site
The victims of the devastating tsunami and earthquake that struck Japan in March 2011 are backâin ghostly formâhaunting Japanese cab drivers in the area, according to The Asahi Shimbun newspaper, as reported by the Mirror.
Christians face 'great danger of deception' from faith leaders who have turned their 'church into social club'
The "great danger of deception" is upon us, no thanks to supposed religious leaders who have turned the "church into a social club embracing political correctness and historical rewrite."