Hazel Torres
'People of darkness' want to destroy Germany, says woman who claims God spoke to her about her country's future
She had a vision of the refugee "disaster" now engulfing Germany even before the first signs of trouble broke out.
'I saw Jesus in heaven and He knew my name,' says doctor who had near-death experience
As a doctor in a Texas hospital, Dr. Gerry Landry, 55, knew he was having a heart attack one day at home when he felt overwhelming fatigue and crushing pain in his chest.
Muslim children embrace Christ â only to be beaten up and cast out as 'infidels' by their own families
In this African country, even children who turn to Jesus Christ are punished as severely as adults, with their parents as the culprits.
Evangelical bioethicists warn against 'immoral' human-animal embryo research: 'The end does not justify the means'
Evangelical bioethicists have rung the alarm bells concerning a U.S. government proposal to fund research that could allow the creation of animal-human hybrid embryos.
Bishop tells Senator Pacquiao not to use Bible to justify death penalty: 'Jesus is our criterion'
Neophyte Philippine Senator Manny Pacquiao drew criticism from a leading Bible scholar when he quoted passages from the Bible to justify his call for the reimposition of the death penalty in the Philippines.
Holy Spirit over Latin America as tens of millions of Catholics embrace Pentecostal Christianity
The Holy Spirit is raining down on Latin America with tens of thousands of people either laying prostrate on the ground or standing with hands raised as tears stream down their faces.
High school football coach suing Washington school district after being fired for praying at games
The now famous praying American football coach wants his job back.
Christian refugees in Germany hiding their Bibles from Muslim extremists in migrant camps
These Christians fled persecution in the Middle East, thinking Germany would be a great country to restart their lives, where they can finally be free to practice their faith.
U.S. churches prepare for terror attacks amid rising threats following murder of French priest
Churches in the U.S. face a terrifying new reality: They could be attractive targets for terror as shown by the murder of French priest Jacques Hamel on July 26 in Normandy, France, counter-terrorism experts have revealed.
This Muslim woman devotes her life to caring for Christians: 'My Islam is a religion that believes in helping others'
Working behind the scene, this extraordinary Muslim Iraqi woman has been helping Christians and other people displaced by the fighting in her country, paticularly those victimised by the Islamic State (ISIS) jihadist group.
After last year's failed statue plan, Satanic Temple tries to counter Christianity anew with its school Satan clubs' proposal
They failed last year, and now they're at it again.
Grieving Philippine archbishop pleads for end to extrajudicial killings: 'What has happened to humanity?'
The head of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) is in a state of deep shock and grief amid the unabated extrajudicial killings in his country.