Harry Farley
Crushed But Not Defeated: How God Turned This Christian Woman's Life Around
Irene Wilson suffered temporary paralysis after a head-on car crash, but was later ordained and now works in Hull serving some of the city's most vulnerable people.
How Paul Handled Conflict: What The Church Can Learn In Its Debate Over Sexuality
Was the Apostle Paul more like Rowan Williams or Steve Jobs? It depends on whom you ask.
Trump, Brexit And The Far Right: How Should The Church Respond In 2017?
New Testament theologian Conrad Gempf offers his thoughts on what the Church can learn from Paul in 2017.
Pope Francis' Christmas Message Calls For End To War
Pope Francis used his Christmas blessing to call for an end to fighting in Syria and the Holy Land.
Queen Misses Christmas Church For First Time In Nearly 30 Years
The Queen will miss the Christmas Day church service at Sandringham for the first time in almost 30 years.
Queen's Speech: 'Jesus Christ's Example Shows Me Value Of Small Things With Great Love'
The Queen has said Jesus Christ's example helps us to see the value of doing small things with great love.
Archbishop Of Canterbury: God's Glory Is Found Among Persecuted Christians
The Archbishop of Canterbury will focus on persecuted Christians in his message at Canterbury Cathedral today.
How The Christmas Story Is Probably Different To What You Think
Why it's important to celebrate the different accounts of Jesus' birth.
Why So Many Christians Backed Trump â And Why They Were Wrong
Conrad Gempf, New Testament scholar and lecturer, on why Christians backed Trump and why they were wrong.
'It Was A Miracle': The Incredible Story Of Hope In Thailand's Refugee Camps
Harry Farley visited Thailand's refugee camps where more than 100,000 are displaced from the Myanmar conflict.
Poll: UK Belief In God Slumps To New Low
The last 18 months may have significantly dented the public's faith in God, a poll for The Times indicates.
'We Can End It In A Generation': How Female Genital Mutilation Blights The UK Today
Nashipae was cut as a young girl in Kenya. Now she campaigns to end FGM within a generation.