Harry Farley
'Neo-Pagan Sexual Morality' Spreading Throughout Church, Warns Conservative Archbishop
An influential conservative archbishop is warning 'neo-pagan sexual morality' in the Church of England is at risk of spreading throughout the global Anglican Communion.
Pope Francis Hints At Allowing Married Priests
Pope Francis has expressed renewed openness to allowing married priests in the Catholic Church.
Trump To Sign New Travel Ban For Muslim Countries
Donald Trump will sign a new travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries on Monday after federal courts blocked his last order.
Five Evangelical Pastors Who Back Gay Marriage
There are a growing list of pastors who describe themselves as evangelical and yet support same sex couples.
Married Church Minister Found Hanged After Being Accused Of Seven Affairs With Different Women
A church minister's legacy has been thrown into turmoil after his widow allegedly accused him of seven separate affairs with different women in his church.
Evangelicals Must Stick With Church Despite 'False Teaching' On Gay Marriage, Says Bishop
The conservative evangelical bishop Rod Thomas is urging evangelicals to 'stand firm' in the Church of England despite 'false teaching' on gay marriage.
Tens Of Thousands Hear Gospel In Durham
Tens of thousands of people have been impacted by an evangelistic mission in Durham this weekend.
Get Ready For 'Mail Order' Abortions, Campaign Group Warns Over Upcoming Bill
An upcoming bill would remove all restrictions on abortions, leaving the door open for sex selective, late-term and even 'mail-order' terminations, a campaign group is warning.
Martyred Oscar Romero Considered For Canonisation, Church Says
Assassinated cleric Oscar Romero is being considered for canonisation with the Vatican looking into a possible miracle.
MP 'Not Embarrassed' By Ash Wednesday Display Of Her Christian Faith On TV
A Scottish MP has said she is not embarrassed about appearing for a Commons select committee hearing with a cross on her forehead for Ash Wednesday.
Defiant Jesus Talk From The Archbishop Of York: 'We Are Here To Change And Transform The World'
The Archbishop of York, the Bishop of Durham and 23 other northern bishops will join local parishes for 450 evangelism events from abseiling to coffee mornings
Talk About Jesus, Not About How The Archbishop Voted On Brexit, Bishop Tells Christians
The Bishop of Durham is urging Christians to avoid talking about the Church in a four-day evangelism event this weekend.