Harry Farley
Steve Chalke: Some Muslim teaching is closer to Christ than some churches'
Steve Chalke, Baptist minister and founder of Oasis, has told Christian Today he believes parts of Islamic theology better reflect God's character than some Christian teaching.
Play depicting Jesus as transgender woman shown in Manchester church
Jesus was cast as a transgender woman in a performance in an Anglican church yesterday.
'I am doing God's work,' says Syrian people smuggler
"I am doing God's work" a 21-year old people smuggler said as he collected fees and crammed people into his dinghy for the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean.
Pope John Paul II's 'close relationship with married woman' to be explored on BBC Panorama
The story of Pope John Paul II's close relationship with a married woman have been revealed after hundreds of letters and photographs were shown to the BBC.
#PrayforDawkins: Church defends tweet after accusations of 'trolling'
The Church of England has defended a tweet saying it was praying outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins, who has had a stroke.
Pope Francis meets Russian church head for first time in 1,000 years
Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill called for restored unity in a historic meeting in Cuba, nearly 1,000 years after the Eastern and Western churches split.
Abducted, raped, then forcibly married: Christian woman escapes ordeal
A Christian woman who was abducted, raped and forcibly married to a Muslim man in Pakistan has escaped.
Beheadings in Libya: One year on forgiveness trumps hatred
On 15 February 2015, a video was released depicting masked ISIS militants dressed in black marching 21 Coptic Christians in orange jump suits along a beach in Libya.
Richard Dawkins' stroke prompts Twitter debate on praying for him
Richard Dawkins has suffered a 'minor stroke' and Twitter is debating whether to pray for him.
Charles Darwin: Atheist? Christian? Agnostic?
Charles Darwin was born 217 years ago today. But did the great man believe in the existence of God?
Sunday trading backed by public, but Christian MPs will still rebel
More people support scrapping restrictions on Sunday opening hours than oppose it, according to a recent YouGov poll.
Abortion vote: Northern Ireland votes against liberalisation of law
Abortion in Northern Ireland will remain illegal after assembly members voted down an attempt to allow terminations in the case of "fatal foetal abnormality".