Harry Farley
Christian graduate awarded $8500 by human rights tribunal
Bethany Paquette has been awarded $8,500 by a human rights tribunal that found a company did not hire her in part because of her religion.
Russian atheist faces jail sentence for denying God's existence
An atheist faces jail in Russia for insulting the feelings of religious believers by denying the existence of God.
Calais 'Jungle' demolitions: Why is the camp being destroyed, and where will the refugees go?
Over the past two days, demolitions have begun in the so-called 'Jungle' camp outside Calais, which is home to thousands of refugees and migrants.
Christians warned government could use EU debate to slip through laws that 'undermine Christian freedom'
Christians have been warned the government may use the distraction of the EU referendum to slip through controversial plans to inspect churches and label Christians as "extremists".
Pakistan: Mumtaz Qadri gets hero's funeral as thousands protest execution
Tens of thousands of Islamist supporters gave Mumtaz Qadri a martyr's funeral in Pakistan on Tuesday, the day after he was executed for murder.
British Muslim girls duped into forced marriages over Skype
An increasing number of forced marriages are being conducted over Skype, two charities said on Monday.
US student detained in North Korea confesses to 'severe' crime, blames Ohio church
State media showed Otto Warmbier issuing a dramatic and emotional apology, saying he was encouraged by a church in Ohio and the CIA to commit a "severe" crime.
Pastor of China's largest megachurch fired after opposing cross removals
Chinese authorities have removed a leading pastor from his post at a state-approved church after he fought against the removal of crosses in his area.
Top evangelical Christian website lambasts Trump, calls him 'misogynist and philanderer'
Donald Trump has been lambasted by the senior editors of The Christian Post in an unusual move to "encourage readers to back away" from the Republican frontrunner.
Russell Moore: 'Evangelical' has been hijacked by 'heretics and lunatics' in presidential race
Southern Baptist Convention theologian says the word 'evangelical' has been co-opted by 'heretics and lunatics' in the run up to the Presidential election later this year.
Dozens dead in twin ISIS suicide attacks in Iraq
Violence against Shi'ite Muslims in Iraq continues to escalate after nearly 50 died in two ISIS suicide attacks on Monday.
Hijab wearing Wheaton professor: 'I would do it again and again'
Larycia Hawkins, former Wheaton College professor expelled for saying Christians and Muslims worship the same God, has said she would do it all over again.